Log4View Support

Support Forum for the Log4View Log Viewer
Topics (159)
Last Post
MessageBuffer usage by Chris
1 reply,
by Philipp Lauchner
Feature requests by jod
1 reply,
by Philipp Lauchner
Can't load TcpAppender, "manifest defininition does not match" by Bill Rebey
3 replies,
by Philipp Lauchner
Exception when trying to apply filter to more than one Receiver by jod
2 replies,
by Philipp Lauchner
Unhandle exception in Log4View by jod
3 replies,
by Philipp Lauchner
Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly by jod
6 replies,
by jod
How to make log4view start up with a new empty configuration by default? by jod
1 reply,
by Philipp Lauchner
Bug: Exception in log4view by jod
1 reply,
by Philipp Lauchner
Log4View customization by Ishay
3 replies,
by Philipp Lauchner
Displaying lines in the lower Message Details window. by hcripe
1 reply,
by Philipp Lauchner
Domain is unavailable by Leonid
1 reply,
by Philipp Lauchner
Using Log4View with custom XML layout by Elena
4 replies,
by Elena
UDP Receiver don't works remotely by delfo
6 replies,
by delfo
Problem with NLog log by delfo
7 replies,
by Ulrich
Setting up a database receiver with extra columns by stephane
1 reply,
by Ulrich
Running Receivers as a Service by MarkLFT
1 reply,
by Ulrich
Multi-line entries; log entries with multiple lines by Bill Rebey
1 reply,
by Ulrich
TCP appender not working by Bill Rebey
2 replies,
by Bill Rebey
Performance when opening log files by Martin Klinke
6 replies,
by mklinke