Feature requests

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Feature requests

* User defined Time/Date format
    e.g. Time column to include abrivated day name
* Filter table to include column selector
    e.g. Show receiver instead of type
* Enable filter to effect more than one receiver
* Filter grouping with "and/or" property for each group and checkbox to enable/disable whole group (including groups of groups i.e. filter view becomes tree table)
* Visible feed back of which currently disabled filers would hide currently selected log entry
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Re: Feature requests

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Jens,

* You may enter user defined Time/Date formats directly in the Date/Time Fomat combo boxes in the configuration window, as long as they accord the .Net Date/Time format (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/com/library/8kb3ddd4).
For example you may enter ddd, MM/dd/yyyy in the Date Format combo box to see the day's name and date. Unfortunatelly this feature seems a bit hidden at the moment, our next version will feature a hint there.

* We will add a source column and the column chooser to the filter window of our next version. It will also feature your mentioned visual feedback.

* At the moment we are restructuring our whole filter mechanism. It will still take a while to be finished, but should be able to group/combine etc. filters and apply them to various receivers.

Thanks a lot as always for your usefull feedback.

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support