Real-time updating of rolled-over log files

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Real-time updating of rolled-over log files

When a log file is rolled over/ rotated (using boost c++ logging), logging is continued in a newly created file (e.g. with name mylog.log.N where N is a higher number).

Log4View doesn't pick this up until I restart the program - is there a way to make it so it picks it up in realtime?
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Re: Real-time updating of rolled-over log files

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Aralox,

Log4View complies to log4net/nlog conventions. There the behaivor is the other way round:
Once mylog.log exeeds its file limit, the previous messages will be stored in mylog.log.1, whereas new messages will again be written to mylog.log.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support