Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly

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Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly

I.e. When a new message arrive for that logger the value chart is not updated
Pressing the Refresh Icon does not update it either
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Re: Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly

Philipp Lauchner
Dear jod,

how many messages do you have in your message view when the chart does not refresh? Due to performance reasons, complex chart representations (value and state series) will not be updated if there are more than 1000 messages to be processed.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly

Hi Philip

I have less than 1000 message for the logger shown in the Chart

But it seems like the defect is a little more complex than I first thought here is how I believed it can be reproduced (but in my current set up it take quite a while to do this so I did only try once)

1. Initial the chart update ok
2. Then I use “set log level” to hide the log message used on the chart, and the chart stop updating for that logger message
Not really how I would like it to behave, but I guess that maybe be on purpose though I doubt it
3. Then I use “set log level” to show the log message again in an attempt to get the chart restart updating but it don’t
4. Then I use “Add logger to chart” > type “Value Chart” to restart updating the chart
This sometimes works
However if there is a high number of other log entries coming in I have to “pause” the message list to hit the right message
5. If the message was pause the chart also stop updating

Add the end of this test I had tree value charts for the same logger, the logger had 55 messages, none of the chart was updating

Note: Usual after some time I have  a lot more entries on the chart one for each restart since there don’t seems to be any way to remove a chart entry except restarting log4view

Thanks Jens
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Re: Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly

Philipp Lauchner
Hi Jens,

I tried to recreate your problem doing the following:

1) receive 50 messages in a new configuration
2) add a message with a specific logger to the chart using value chart type
3) set the logger's loglevel to off using the logger tree
4) send a few messages

for me the chart still refreshes it's data. Did i get your steps wrong?
To delete a chart serie, just click on its graph or name in the legend and hit the "Del" key on your keyboard.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly


Your description seem similar to what I do
But it happens all the time for me

Is there any logging in Log4View that I can turn on and send back?

Thanks Jens
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Re: Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly

Philipp Lauchner
Hi Jens,

unfortunately, Log4View's own logging will not be sufficient to recreate your problem. Maybe we can recreate it when using the exact log files as you do.
Would you agree to send us the logfile you are working with? We respect your privacy and the files will only be used for debugging and deleted afterwards. If you are ok with that, please send us your logfile before changing the loglevel and the logfile containing the messages you receive afterwards. Also please send us the exact configuration of the chart (which message to add, which logger selected etc.) and the logger to hide.
Our mail address is support@prosa.biz

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Bug: Value Chart does not update on the fly

I am a bit busy at the moment I will come back to this later