TCP appender not working

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TCP appender not working

Bill Rebey
I have Log4View working with UDP and File appenders, but the TCP appender doesn't seem to be working right - I don't receive any messages.

I'm testing this with the logger and Log4View on the same machine, so firewalls aren't an issue.

I have the prosa.LogAppender.dll sitting right next to the .exe file that's doing the logging.

There is mention in the Help system that suggests that if I'm not using the exactly correct version of Log4Net that I might need to rebuild it, which might be the case.  

I can't find the source in my distribution, though, to try that.

Any idea what's wrong?

Any idea  where the TCP Appender source is??
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AW: TCP appender not working

Hi Bill,

sorry, the source files for the TcpAppender were forgotten in the current installer.
Here they are.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Yours sincerely

Ulrich Proeller
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Re: AW: TCP appender not working

Bill Rebey
Thanks, Ulrich!  I'll check it out when I get a chance.