Hi Dani,
your problem has mixed causes:
1. Your original NLog layout is not unambiguous. The problem are the last two elements:
${message:format=tostring} ${exception:format=tostring}Message and exception are multiword elements and there is no unique separator between them. So how could Log4View know, where the message ends and the exception begins?
Insert a unique separator between message and exception (a string combination, that will never appear in any message), for example:
${time:format=HH:mm:ss} ${logger} ${callsite:className=false:fileName=false:includeSourcePath=false:methodName=true:includeNamespace=false:cleanNamesOfAsyncContinuations=true} : ${LEVEL}, ${message:format=tostring} ||| ${exception:format=tostring}2. The parser engine in Log4View didn't handle some elements in the right way. We have fixed this and the fix will be included in our next release.
If you want to try the fix, you can download a prerelease version of Log4View 1.2.2