Go to Timestamp improvements

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Go to Timestamp improvements


It is me again. =)

Go to timestamp is a great feature however it needs to be improved slightly to allow users to have a benefit  of that.

1) It expects time to be in a different format from time displayed in logs (expects 14:33:46,295, but in logs 14:33:46.295 - comma vs dot) which means user cannot paste here value he saved earlier
2) It jumps to EXACT time and if EXACT time not found in logs it just does nothing, it would be great if in that case it would jump log entry with closes time
3) Elements in To to Timestamp dialog are ordered other way around (e.g. pressing Tab key at Date box focus moved on Cancel button instead of Time box)

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Re: Go to Timestamp improvements

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Vladimirs,

Regarding 2)
The behaivor you advice is the one we implemented. For me Log4View jumps to the closest log entry if there is none matching the time stamp exactly. If the time stamp is too high/low for any message, Log4View jumps to the last/first message. Please note that also the date is used to find the nearest message. Could you send us your logfile and timestamp that is not working?

Regarding 1 and 3)
We just released a new version 12.5.9 with the timestamp dialog fixed.

Sincerely yours

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Go to Timestamp improvements


I just tried to test 2) on 12.5.9 but now seems both date and time picker fields appears to be broken http://screencast.com/t/E5G2L6f4pabw

I am on Windows Ultimate SP1 with English (United Kingdom) default system formats if that matters.

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Re: Go to Timestamp improvements

In reply to this post by Philipp Lauchner

Can confirm that 2) and issue I mentioned in previous post are fixed/working in 12.5.10.
