Database Receiver Help

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Database Receiver Help

Hi, I'm new to Log4View so I might be doing something wrong but I'm having problems connection Log4View to a database of Nlog data. I'm running the trial version for now,  if that important.

I have a screenshot of the issue here :

1) You can see that the Level in the DB is 'Error' and in Log4View it's coming in as 'Info'.
2) None of the other Logger, Message, etc columns are getting imported.
3) When I make a change to the mappings and then try to edit those changes it reverts all previous changes back to default.

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Re: Database Receiver Help

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Richard,

unfortunately we could not recreate your connection problem. Do you encounter the same problem when using LogView V1 and the same database?
You can find the installer for the latest version of V1 here

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Database Receiver Help

Philipp Lauchner
In reply to this post by Richard
Dear Richard,

we are very sorry, this issue took us a while to figure out. Thanks for your patience!
We just released a new version fixing your problem. You can download version V2 1.1.0 here.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support