using log4view API to create my custom log viewer

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using log4view API to create my custom log viewer

I just have a question that I didn't find the answer by searching.

can I use powerful log4view API to create my own log viewer for ?

thanks in advance.
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Re: using log4view API to create my custom log viewer

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Farzad,

You can create custom log receivers or visual plugins that will be loaded into Log4View. These can use the API to use the base functionalities of Log4View and to cooperate with other components.

You could create a plugin that forwards the shown messages to your web app while forwarding user actions (e.g. creating filters) from the web app to Log4View.
Yet in this case you have to evaluate if the API/plugin mechanism is sufficient and provides all needed functionalities for your specific use case. You can you check out the sample plugins found in your installation directory of Log4View. You can find more information here:

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: using log4view API to create my custom log viewer

thanks for your answer,
I don't want to create a plugin for log4view GUI,
I just wanted to use log4view API to create a viewer page to be shown on my website, without having or showing any windows form like log4view GUI to end user.
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Re: using log4view API to create my custom log viewer

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Farzad,

unfortunately this is not possible with Log4View.

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support