Re: Log4View v2 - Support for custom file receivers
Posted by Olaf Kober (Anton Paar GmbH) on
Hello Ulrich!
Thanks for your reply.
As I mentioned in my initial post, we already developed a custom extension for receiving log messages via network similar to your "SampleReceiver" example. That works well.
Now, I'm looking for a convenient way to extend Log4View to open/read our proprietary log files. A receiver extension doesn't fit well, because I don't want to go to the extension config dialog all the time just for choosing the file to open. That's a bit inconvenient for daily usage.
I hoped to have the possibility to write a file-based receiver extension that would handle a set of file formats/extensions (i.e. "*.aplx"). Then when opening Log4View and supplying a file path via command line I would expect Log4View to select the best file-based receiver extension for reading the log file.
AFAIK, Log4View supports only a few hard-coded file formats, all of them text-based. I want to register my own file format handler (file-based receiver) for my own custom file format.
I think that would be a great new feature for Log4View. For us it would mean we can throw away our home-grown log file viewer and use Log4View instead.
What do you think about that?
Kind regards,