Logs became to errors after 12 PM (00:00)
Posted by danivain on
URL: http://forum.log4view.com/Logs-became-to-errors-after-12-PM-00-00-tp452.html
I have a 3 issues, after configuring the pattern:
NLog layout:
${time:format=HH:mm:ss} ${logger} ${callsite:className=false:fileName=false:includeSourcePath=false:methodName=true:includeNamespace=false:cleanNamesOfAsyncContinuations=true} : ${LEVEL}, ${message:format=tostring} ${exception:format=tostring}
Didn't work, so I changed it to:
${time:format=HH:mm:ss} ${logger} ${callsite} : ${LEVEL}, ${message}
The app doesn't shows method names, for workaround I changes the callsite element to exception element and it worked.
The workaround pattern:
${time:format=HH:mm:ss} ${logger} ${exception} : ${LEVEL}, ${message}
The second issue related to app that refuses to save a new added columns... (exceptions, methods and etc...)
The third issue is that all logs became to be errors after 12 PM (00:00), this is the most frustrating one.
Besides that I am very pleased from this great tool!!!
Thanks in advance.