Feature Request: Save Current Session

Posted by jod on
URL: http://forum.log4view.com/Feature-Request-Save-Current-Session-tp124.html

Some times I would like to save the current session i.e.
Configuration + coloring + bookmarks + comments + All messages, including those currently filtered out

Currently that would require several steps, result in at least two files, and afterward configuration has to be reloaded as the steps resets the configuration:
1) Make notes about highliting colors
2) Make notes about time filter
3) Make notes about bookmarks
4) Make notes about comments (not sure if these can already be save currently)
5) reset filters and which loggers to show in order to be able to save all entries
* ... (possible more yet unidentified)

Current work around:
1) copy logfiles before open in log4view
2) save configuration for each set of copied log files
3) Make notes as above on by need basis