issue with log files read over network

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issue with log files read over network


Some times I use log4view to read logfiles from a network location, usual there is no problem but if that other machines goes to sleep log4view stops collecting and it does not restart when the other machine is waken.

Further more there seems no other way to restart collecting than to close current configuration and reopen it afterwards.

I am not sure if auto reconnection is possible in this case. But would it be possible to have a menu item for manual reconnect.

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Re: issue with log files read over network

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Jens,

unfortunatelly I could not recreate your problem, I did the following:

- Open a logfile from a network location (file on a different PC, Windows 8.1)
- Log4View reads messages normally
- Send logging PC to sleep (also tried hibernate)
- Wait for at least 30 min.
- Wake up logging PC
- Log4View continues reading

Could you provide exact steps that cause your problem?

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: issue with log files read over network

Hi Philipp

I have seen this more than once in the past, I tried to reproduce but was unable.
These weeks i don't look so much on log files on other machines though

but FWIW I realised that probably a bit more is going on when this happen
 - both machines are running Windows 7
 - Log4View reads files from shared drive on another machine running Application generating log
 - Application generating log files restarts
 - Machine with application generating log goes to sleep
 - I don't remember for how long the machine was sleeping
 - Machine with application generating log wake-up
I will try to give it more focus next time it happens and then give more feedback
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Re: issue with log files read over network

Hi Philipp

I think this often happens in the following scenario:

- MyApplication generating log files runs on machine A
- Log4View runs on machine B, reads files from shared drive on machine A
- MyApplication close
- MyApplication uninstalled (but log files left untouched)
- New version of MyApplication installed (log files still untouched)
- Machine A restart
- MyApplication starts automatic (logging to same folder, log files rolls as configured in log4net configuration file)
- Log4View is still running but no longer see updates to log files
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Re: issue with log files read over network

In reply to this post by Philipp Lauchner
Hi Phillipp

I just had another related issue that might help on this
- As before MyApplication run on machine A
- Log4view run on machine B showing logs from MyApplication directly from the hard drive of machine A over the network
- I accidental restart machine A
- MyApplication starts automatically upon auto login on machine A
- Log4view show all logs from before the accidental restart
- Log4view do not show the first approximately 3.8 seconds of log entries after restart of MyApplication

I open a new Log4view of same log files and all log entries are shown
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Re: issue with log files read over network

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Jens,

I did some further research and testing. Reading currently used log files from a network location seems to be affected by various problems caused by the underlying technology. I experienced your problems only a very few times, yet these occurrences were totally random.
Thus we highly recommend you to use TCP for live logging via network instead of plain xml file logging. We are very sorry that we could not find a more satisfying solution for you.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support