font size in main log panel

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font size in main log panel

How do I change the font size in the main log panel?

Many programs allow ctrl+mouse scroll wheel to change font size but that dont work fo Log4View
and there don't seem to be any font setting for on the settings page

Some times I want to go to a smaller font size to fit more log entries on the screen
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Re: font size in main log panel

Hi Jens,

you can't change the font size in general.
But you can change font, size, weight, fore- and background color for each log level individually in the Settings/Format page.

Thus just reduce font size from 12 to 10 for all levels and you have the desired effect.

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Re: font size in main log panel

Hi Ulrich

After you mail I tried this but it does not have the desired effect it seems like the line distance is determined by the size of the level icon

It would be nice if you scaled the icon according to font size used for small font sizes

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Re: font size in main log panel

Hi Jens,

in the next release we will add a feature to scale the whole message view as you requested.

