Regular Expression filter for Log4View V2

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Regular Expression filter for Log4View V2

The new UI for filters is nice, but how can I use Regular Expressions as filters like in older versions?
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Re: Regular Expression filter for Log4View V2

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Michael,

there is no filtering by regular expressions in the current V2 beta releases. This has been droped in favor of the new functions that can be used in the complex filter tab.
Do you use a search expression that can not be represented by using the complex filter?

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Regular Expression filter for Log4View V2

Hi Philip,

with regular expressions there was a simple and strighforward way to exclude/filter some entries like

Simple problem with 'part1' happend while
Middle problem with 'part2' happend while

without any "UI-Click-Fuss" just by copy and paste text and replace the varying part with .* and/or using pipe e.g.

... (Simple|Middle) problem with '.*' happend while ...

Also multiline expressions were easy by using (?s) mode.

Please also support regular expressions in V2, they made my life easier!


P.S. Is there right now any documentation for the V2 complex filters?
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Re: Regular Expression filter for Log4View V2

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Michael,

We will evaluate your suggestion to re-add the regex/wildcards filters in addition to the new filter functions, thank you for your feedback.
At the moment there is no in depth documention for the complex filter functions planed, as we thought they are self-explanatory. Are there any obscurities we should document?

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Regular Expression filter for Log4View V2


thanks for re-adding regex-filtering in the latest beta.

So far it works, but the checkmark is not checked again if I close and open the filter dialog.

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Re: Regular Expression filter for Log4View V2

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Michael,

Whoops! You are right, this will be fixed in the next release.
Thanks again for letting us know.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support