Receive Log from Async Call with NLog

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Receive Log from Async Call with NLog

Is there any possibility to send Logs from within an async call, something like the code below:

main call:
await DoSomething();

public static async Task DoSomething()
logger.Trace("Async Started");
await PerformAsyncCall();
logger.Trace("Async Finished");

NLog writes correctly to the log file and works well with Log4View when I there is NO async calls. Instead, when I use async calls, only the log file is populated, but Log4View cannot capture the log call.

Thank you
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Re: Receive Log from Async Call with NLog

Philipp Lauchner
Dear marius72,

the following example project shows how we tried to recreate your problem. Yet we did not encounter any problems. Could you extend it to the point, where your problem occures?

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support