Python Logger

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Python Logger

We have log files created by a python test framework.
Entries look like this:

2017-10-26 15:24:12,461 my.test.framework.gui.mypanel[DEBUG]: Selected building tasks panel

Currently LOG4VIEW only creates read errors while reading this logfile.
Is it possible to create a specific layout pattern for this log format?

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Re: Python Logger

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Norbert,

yes, when adding your file receiver you can set a pattern layout instead of using xml formatted messages.
Then just use the following pattern:
%d %logger[%level]: %m

Yet please be aware that pattern formated messages may sometimes cause problems due to ambiguity of patterns, e.g. when there are line breaks within the actual message text.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
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