MessageBuffer usage

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MessageBuffer usage

I have very large log files and one that I am trying to load has nearly 2 million(1.9) entries.  I am very pleased with the product in Trial Edition, but one remaining issue that I have is trying to load these files.
I have increased the Buffer Size in the File Receiver, but if it is not large enough, I only see messages at the end of the file. If I increase this setting to a certain point, I receive no error message, but no messages will load.  Also I really have no idea what I need to set this number at without opening the file to see how many messages are in it.
  Other products can open these files, but their sorting and filtering abilities are not as nice.  I looked at the Receive Filter, to trim down the amount of messages being loaded, but it seems that if the time range specified is not within the messages in the Buffer Size, no messages are loaded.

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Re: MessageBuffer usage

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Chris,

please be aware that with 2 million logfiles you are dealing with an amount of data out of our common scenarios.
Nevertheless, I just added a .xlog file containing 2.000.000 messages without losing parts of them. Could you please provide the following information?:

- what did you set for the messages buffer when adding your file? As soon as the message count exceeds this limit, Log4View deletes the oldest 20% of the messages from its buffer.

- what log file are you using? Is it a xml log file? Is it a rolled file consisting of multiple files?

- do you run Log4View on a x64 OS and machine with sufficient RAM? While processing a file with 2 million messages, Log4View may consume up to 5.2 gb of RAM (settling down to 2 gb as soon as the messages are read from the file into the message buffer).

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support