Log4View customization

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Log4View customization

Hi Olrich & Log4View team,
Is it possible to customize Log4View with an option to run external application within the current reciever context?
We would like to be able to send messages/instructions to log writers and monitor the response online in the logs in one application.
Ishay L, HP
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Re: Log4View customization

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Ishay,

unfortunately we are not able to understand your request. Could you please provide more detail?

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Log4View customization

Hello Philipp,
So far we have been using a home made logging framework. Our log viewer was a terminal-like console in which the user could send messages to the logging components e.g. setting debug flags ON/OFF.
Recently we have replaced this framework with log4cplus and we are considering using l4v as the log viewer.
Since there is no "real" connection between l4v and the logging component, I'm asking if there is a possibility to embed a plugin that we will develop as additional l4v pane in which the user can send messages to the "reciever", so our developers won't have to open 2 applications every time they debug their applications.
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Re: Log4View customization

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Ishay,

yes, Log4View is capable of showing your own plugins inside its GUI. We recently added an entry to our FAQs for further information. It is at the bottom of this site:

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support