Log4View V2 problem highlighting logger

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Log4View V2 problem highlighting logger


In Log4View v1 I could highlight a line

I am assumeing this is the context menu "Toggle Marking" Ctrl-I in V2
but apparently nothing happens when I do this

br Jens
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Re: Log4View V2 problem highlighting logger

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Jens,

the "Toggle Marking" function you are using is in the logger section of the context menu/ribbon and highlights all messages with the same logger as the selected message (also highlights the specific logger in the tree with the same color).

I assume you want to use the bookmark function for single specific lines? You can find this functionality in the context menu's "Bookmarks" submenu and the ribbon. You can also just use F4 to bookmark the selected message and Ctrl+F4/Ctrl+Shift+F4 go jump to the next/previous bookmark.

By the way: does "Toggle Marking" really change nothing in your scenario? As mentioned, it should highlight the selected message, its logger and all other messages of this logger.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Log4View V2 problem highlighting logger

yes it seems to me that "Toggle Marking" has no effect, your description match how I remember it to work bu that is not what I see.

The only effect I see is the tree view gets scroll so the selected item is at the bottom of the tree view.