Launch Log4view from the command line

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Launch Log4view from the command line

Is it possible to launch Log4View from the command line?
I'd like to specify the log file to open and search criteria

We are building a log analyser that will look for key phrases. The idea is to launch log4view to view the surrounding log message once we spot a keyword.

Thanks, great product.
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Re: Launch Log4view from the command line

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Ronan,

you can launch Log4View from commandline and specify a file to open, e.g.
Log4View.exe C:\Logfile.xlog
will start Log4View and read Logfile.xlog stored at C:\

Yet there is no command line argument for your mentioned keyword feature currently available. We are working on our next major release of Log4View which will feature extended command line arguments, including your suggestion.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support