Identity does not show in table.

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Identity does not show in table.


I am using LOG4VIEW Version My program uses log4net and creates log file in xml format. When I try to load file I see that "Identity" column is empty in table. But Identity value is shown in "Message Details" in "Multi Field".

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the Internet.

Online Video Production Studio

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Re: Identity does not show in table.

David Spencer
I just installed and have the same issue. I am advocating for this software as a long-term tool for us, but this is a key field for us as well.  Is the tool still supported? Thank you
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Re: Identity does not show in table.

Hi David,

Log4View can show all columns existing in an .xml file. However, only a few of them are shown by default. To add additional columns in the message view, use the column chooser which can be opened by the context menu which is shown when right-clicking in the column header of the message view.

Please let me know if this solves your problem.

Kind regards and a Happy New Year
