How do I sort log entries by order in log files instead of timestamp?

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How do I sort log entries by order in log files instead of timestamp?

I suspect that current time was set back one hour some time in this particular log file
so I want to see them in the order they occurred regardless of assigned timestamp
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Re: How do I sort log entries by order in log files instead of timestamp?

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Jens,

just add the column "ID" and sort by it. Now the messages will be sorted by their real occurrence in the log file.

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: How do I sort log entries by order in log files instead of timestamp?

Hi there,
I used an older version, where I was able to add the column "Id". Due to a new computer, now I installed
Here I don't find the option, to add a column "ID".
Thus, everytime I open a logfile, log4view sorts things by date, which is not what I need.