Handle Serilog json files

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Handle Serilog json files

I like log4view, we have a company license and we are using it for log4net xml files. That works well.
Now we have introduced Serilog for logging with json files and I donn't want to change the viewer. I would configure log4view so we can use it.

Is it possible to configure it? If yes, can you give me some advices / help links?  
It shos some data, but most of it is not shown correctly. Exception message is correct but date and time is not displayed correct.
The date is formatted like this: "2022-01-31T11:22:04.7642353+01:00"

Thannks in advance
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Re: Handle Serilog json files

Hi Guenther,

the current Json-parser in Log4View cannot read the standard Serilog json layouts.
We are currently adding a parser for the Serilog compact json format.

In the meantime, you can add a Log4net- or NLog-Serilog sink. They send the log messages to the log4net/Nlog framework. Of course, these frameworks must be configured to produce an output which can be read by Log4View.