Feature request File column should use same clipping scheme as Logger column

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Feature request File column should use same clipping scheme as Logger column

The Logger column clips by inserting ellipses (...) after root logger i.e. at location of first dot
The file column (when enable by Column Chooser) clips by inserting ellipses at end of line usual eating filename i.e. the most interesting thing.
I suggest clipping at the start of the line instead, alternative introduce a new column FileName (i.e. with directory striped)
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Re: Feature request File column should use same clipping scheme as Logger column

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Jens,

there should be a column named "Source", containing only the filename without path in case of a file receiver. Is this solution sufficient?

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support
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Re: Feature request File column should use same clipping scheme as Logger column

No Source column refer to the file e.g. log.xml (Window name?)
Where as File column refer to the the file containing the code doing the log e.g. some c# code  

If "C:\some-very-long-path\with-lot-of-subdirectories\mostly-the-same-for-all-files\OneOfMyProjects\Foo.cs" contains:
void Bar(string name) {
   Log.DebugFormat("Hello {0}", name)

File column will be: "C:\some-very-long-path\with-lot-of-subdirectories\mostly-the-same-for-all-files\OneOfMyProjects\Foo.cs"
So you need a very wide column to see the interesting thing, where as "...\OneOfMyProjects\Foo.cs" would be much better<quote author="Philipp Lauchner">
Dear Jens,

there should be a column named "Source", containing only the filename without path in case of a file receiver. Is this solution sufficient?
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Re: Feature request File column should use same clipping scheme as Logger column

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Jens,

sorry, I did not realize you were refering to the code location info. Thus you are right, there is no such feature at the moment. We are evaluating to use your mentioned ellipses behaivor for every field by default in future versions.

As always thank you for your input

Philipp Lauchner
Develoment & Support