Exported .l4v configuration does not work as expected on another machine

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Exported .l4v configuration does not work as expected on another machine


My intention was to generate a default configuration which would be reusable by other users on other machines. The users run exactly the same two applications which output logs to the same folders on their machine.

So, I made a set of predefined filters and stored the .l4v configuration. The other user imports the file and starts the application. But the filters don't work/have no effect on his machine.

Is this supposed to work?
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Re: Exported .l4v configuration does not work as expected on another machine

Philipp Lauchner
Dear Harald,

we just tried to recreate your problem, yet without success. Could you please send us your config file for further investigation? Our address is support@prosa.biz.
By the way: which exact version of Log4View is used in this scenario?

Yours sincerely

Philipp Lauchner
Development & Support