Custom Receiver: Is it possible to suppress the custom receiver configuration dialog?

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Custom Receiver: Is it possible to suppress the custom receiver configuration dialog?

Olaf Kober (Anton Paar GmbH)
This post was updated on .

I'm curious to know whether it is possible to suppress the custom receiver configuration dialog when implementing a CustomReceiverFactory.

My custom receiver configuration only requires the file path and that is supplied via ICustomHasFileName. I don't need further configuration. So, it would be okay in my scenario to skip the configuration dialog when for example a user double-clicks our log file, which then opens Log4View with the file path supplied. There is reason to show the configuration dialog. All other receiver settings are correctly pre-configured by my receiver factory. I don't want my users to change them.

I tried returning null from CreateReceiverConfigurator(), but that generates a NRE.

Kind regards,
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Re: Custom Receiver: Is it possible to suppress the custom receiver configuration dialog?

Olaf Kober (Anton Paar GmbH)
Well, this concern has been in addressed in the recently released v1.4.0.

Using property ICustomReceiverConfigurator.ShowDialog in the receiver view model I can now control the behavior.
