I am having issues with the Column Chooser with the Database Receiver.
I would like to load custom database fields into the log4view Viewer.
Everything works fine when opening an XML log file with the custom property shown below.
<log4net:properties><log4net:data name="CustomProperty" value="CustomValue" </log4net:properties > …
A Column with the name "CustomProperty" becomes available in the Column Chooser. I want to be able to do the same thing, but using the Database Receiver instead.
Above is a screen shot of my database receiver settings. I want REMOTE_ADDR, DnnuserId, and TestTimeStamp to be available as columns in the grid. I have checked and the columns are being queried from the database, but I can't figure out how to view them from within log4view.
Do I need patterns? I thought the timestamp would work without a pattern, but these columns do not show up in the column chooser. Any Idea?